Friday, May 19, 2023
Each year, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) Division of Systems and Supports, K-12, updates its monitoring tool and guidance to align with relevant laws and regulations. Annual Grants Monitoring includes the following grants:
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA), Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies
- ESEA, Title I: 1003 School Improvement Funds
- ESEA, Title I: 1003(g) School Improvement Grants (SIG)
- ESEA, Title I, Part D: Neglected, Delinquent, and At-Risk Youth
- ESEA, Title II, Part A: Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers, Principals and Other School Leaders
- ESEA Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
- ESEA Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
- ESEA Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B
- Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act, Academic Quality
- Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act, Early Childhood
- Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act, Facilities
- Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act, Teacher Pipeline
- Charter School Programs (CSP)
- Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER I-CARES)
- The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER II-CRRSA)
- The American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III-ARP)
- Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund Equivalent (ESSER Equivalent)
- American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Homeless Children and Youth Fund I (ARP Homeless I)
- American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Homeless Children and Youth Fund II (ARP Homeless II)
For any questions, please contact [email protected].
FY24 Grants Monitoring Resources
FY23 Grants Monitoring Resoures
- Monitoring of FY23 Grants Webinar
- Colleague Letter to LEAs on Monitoring of FY23 Grants
- ARP HCY-Evidence and Indicators List
- Title I-A Monitoring Evidence Indicators and List
- Title II-A Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Title III-A Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Title IV-A Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- ESSER Fiscal Evidence and Indicators List
- IDEA Fiscal Monitoring Indicators and Evidence List
- DCPS IIS Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Eagle Academy IIS Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- MKV-Evidence and Indicators List FY23 Non-subgrantees
- Capital Village SOAR AQ
- Hope SOAR AQ Evidence and Indicators List
- LEARN SOAR AQ Evidence and Indicators List
- Eagele SOAR AQ Evidence and Indicators List
- Achievement Prep SOAR AQ Evidence and Indicators List
FY22 Grants Monitoring Resources
- May 8 Letter to LEAs on Monitoring of FY22 Grants
- Monitoring of FY22 Grants Webinar and Slides Recording
FY21 Grants Monitoring Resources:
- April 8 Letter to LEAs on Monitoring of FY21 Grants
- Monitoring of FY21 Grants Webinar Slides and Recording
- Monitoring of FY21 Grants Webinar - May 2022
- 2020-21 School Year IDEA, Part B Student Compliance Monitoring Tool
- IDEA Monitoring Tool Training Webinar
- Basic Fiscal Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Intermediate Fiscal Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Comprehensive Fiscal Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
- Title I-A Program Monitoring Evidence and Indicators List
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