Wednesday, December 28, 2016
View the LEA Look Forward for Dec. 28, 2016 - Jan. 3, 2017.
In this issue...
- ESSA Update: Updated Draft Framework and Upcoming 2017 Engagement Opportunities
- Registration Now Open! LEA Institute: It Takes a City to Ensure Every Student Succeeds
- Transition Planning for English Learners
- Purposeful Lesson Planning for ELs
- OSSE Seeks Nominees for the National History Teacher of the Year
- OSSE Seeks Nominees for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
- Feedback Sought by Dec. 31 Regarding New Special Education Requirements (reminder)
- Enrollment Audit Appeals (reminder)
- Title IX Athletic Equity Act Mandatory Training for Athletic Directors and Athletic Administrators (reminder)
- Qlik Sense Training for LEAs (reminder)
- OSSE DAR External Stakeholder Meetings (reminder)
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) Master Training Registration (reminder)
- Training for Mandated Reporters (reminder)
- Dates to Remember