WASHINGTON, DC – District of Columbia State Superintendent of Education Hosanna Mahaley Jones today issued the following statement:
“On behalf of the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) and students, parents, administrators, schools, community members, elected officials, stakeholders and residents throughout the District of Columbia, I extend heartfelt congratulations to Chancellor Kaya Henderson and District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) for receiving a 2012 Teacher Incentive Fund Grant Award from the US Department of Education.
Quality education begins in our classrooms and with the highly effective teachers that lead them, and DCPS’ selection as a Teacher Incentive Fund Grant Awardee is a testament to DCPS Teacher’s success in providing District children access to a world-class public education.
In a time where closing student achievement gaps is more important than ever, rewarding teacher excellence is an important step forward in teacher instructional assessment and demonstrates DCPS’ commitment to standards for teaching and learning; all of which place District students and schools in the best possible position to succeed.
As State Education Agency for the District of Columbia, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education looks forward to the continued success of DCPS and all of our Local Education Agency partners as we collectively strive to reach 75 percent proficiency and graduation rates by 2017 and advance student achievement statewide.
Chancellor Henderson, thank you for providing a national platform to showcase what works for teacher evaluation and serving as a beacon for District of Columbia schools, students, teachers and the public education community.
Congrats again!"