Wednesday, May 3, 2017
View the LEA Look Forward for May 3-9, 2017.
In this issue...
- Consolidated Certification Window for LEAs
- Invitation to Apply for 2017-19 Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre [Deadline Extended]
- Requesting Your Feedback to Help Improve the OSSE Website
- FY 2017 CSP Dissemination Grant: RFA and Pre-Application Webinar Registration
- A Vision for DC - Leveraging the District's Diversity through Bilingual Education Panel Discussion
- OSSE Support Tool Enhancements
- Training for New Application that Provides Early Access to Information on Students with Disabilities
- Summer Bridge Program Pilot for College Bound Seniors
- May LEA Data Managers and NGA Stakeholders Meetings
- CAFAS and PECFAS Training Webinar
- Applications for Student Representatives to the State Board of Education
Professional Development Opportunities
- Restorative Practices: Two Training Opportunities
- Professional Development Opportunity for High School Science Teachers
- Restorative Practices: Final Community of Practice of the Year (reminder)
- Transition Planning for English Learners (reminder)
- New Date Added! PBIS: Design to Implementation (reminder)
- Train the Trainer on CAFAS and PECFAS (reminder)