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2013-2014 was the final school year the DC CAS was administered. In 2014-2015, DC students began taking the PARCC assessments for Mathematics and English Language Arts (including Composition) and will take a new Science and Health assessment currently under development . Learn more about PARCC

About the DC CAS

The tests of the DC CAS have been designed to measure the academic proficiency of students in the District of Columbia relative to their mastery of the DC Content Standards. These tests are aligned to the approved English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Health standards of the District of Columbia.

The battery of tests of the DC CAS are administered in the spring of each school year. Reading and mathematics tests have been operational since 2006 and are administered to students in grades 2 - 10.

All 10th graders are allowed to use a 10th Grade Math Formula Reference Card, available here to view and download.

The District of Columbia has received the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Flexibility Waiver. Student growth will be measured by tracking students’ reading and mathematics performance per the Accountability System prescribed by the ESEA Waiver.  

The testing of students’ writing skills via the composition component of the DC CAS became operational in Spring 2008. Prior to that administration, a series of writing prompts were piloted in 2006 and 2007.  The composition assessment was aligned to the Common Core State Standards in 2012.

In Spring 2007, science tests were administered to students in grades 5 and 8 as well as to students who were enrolled in their school’s biology course. The science and biology tests were first operational in 2008, and student scores on these tests have been reported since that administration.

The DC CAS Health & Physical Education began administration in 2012 to 5th and 8th grade and students enrolled in a high school health course. 

For more information about the DC CAS, please see:

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