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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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OSSE Releases Enrollment Audit Data; Increases in Both DCPS and Public Charter School Attendance

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The audit reveals that the number of students attending DC Public Schools and charter schools jumped by 3.5 percent or 2,607 students this school year, marking the first time that both charter schools and DCPS increased their enrollment

Audited Enrollment Shows Increase in Students Attending DC Public Schools and Public Charter Schools

Today the Office of the State Superintendent of Education released the audited enrollment for the 2010-2011 School Year. The audit reveals that the number of students attending DC Public Schools (DCPS) and charter schools jumped by 3.5 percent or 2,607 students this school year; marking the first time that both charter schools and DCPS increased their enrollment.

“The Mayor and I believe that the meaningful growth in audited enrollment is reflective of a growing collective support for the DC education system as a whole.” Acting State Superintendent Hosanna Mahaley said.

DCPS enrollment increased by 912 students to 45,630 and public charter school enrollment increased by 1,695 to 29,356. The largest growth in enrollment occurred in early childhood education; a spike that is attributable to Mayor Gray’s push for universal pre-kindergarten for all three- and four-year-olds.

“The enrollment audit also reveals a sustained increase in the early elementary grades; revealing that families who are sending their children to our District’s universal pre-k program are choosing to keep their children in the system.” Mahaley said.

DCPS and public charter schools in the District of Columbia receive funding according to the number of students who are enrolled and the provisions of the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula (UPSFF). The DC Official Code § 38-1804.02 (d) (2) requires an audit that evaluates the accuracy of the fall student enrollment count of the DC public schools and the public charter schools.

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education is working with the District of Columbia Public Schools and the Public Charter School Board to finalize enrollment projections for the coming School Year. Those numbers should be released in the coming weeks.

View a breakdown of the enrollment audit: by grade band and across both District of Columbia Public Schools and public charter schools [PDF]

Media Contact:
Jesse Bailey
[email protected]