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Office of the State Superintendent of Education

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ODR Notice to Appear Request

This Notice to Appear is issued under the authority of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 34 CFR §300.512 - Hearing rights and the Office of Dispute Resolution Standard Operating Procedures. Any party to a Special Education Due Process Hearing has the right to present evidence and compel the attendance of witnesses who have knowledge of relevant facts or whose opinions are important for reaching an appropriate disposition on the merits of this case. If you refuse to appear, the party who requested this Notice to Appear may seek the order of an appropriate court with jurisdiction, pursuant to statute, to force your attendance and compliance. If you have any questions or objections to appearing, please call the person who requested this Notice to Appear noted below.

The exact time of your testimony cannot be determined prior to the date of the hearing. Under the hearing rules, please be advised that you will likely be excluded from the hearing room prior to your testimony. You are welcome to bring reading material or such other activities as you may need while waiting.

Related Content: Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR)